Middle School Counseling Services
The Counseling Program at Leonardtown Middle School stresses student development in three major areas: academic achievement, career, and educational decision-making, and personal and social growth.
Academic Achievement
- Schedule students for academic classes
- Help students adjust to the school and plan their programs.
- Help students with time management.
- Consult with teachers on ways to improve student academic achievement.
Career and Educational Decision-Making
- Assess student aptitudes & interests and explore career options.
- Help students discover their strengths and weaknesses in relation to school performances.
Personal and Social Development
- Reinforce problem-solving and decision-making skills.
- Help students use their problem-solving and conflict resolution techniques.
- Help students advocate for themselves with staff.
Counselors deliver the program in a variety of ways. Responsive counseling services are provided in individual and group settings when students need help in any of the three areas of emphasis. The student, parent, or member of the staff may initiate these services.
Counselors also provide large-scale instruction for all students. For example counselors at the Leonardtown Middle School conduct classroom lessons on suicide prevention and career development. Middle school counselors also support the overall school program by coordinating such activities as orientation of new students and parents, participation on interdisciplinary teams to determine special services for students, and providing for the academic placement of students in classes.
One of the most important skills for improving the relationship between parents and children is encouragement.
Encouragement is the process whereby you focus on the assets and strengths of your child to build self-confidence and self-esteem.
Encouragement helps your children believe in themselves and their abilities. Parents who encourage help their children develop the courage to be imperfect.